Why my push notifications are not being received?

Anilrajkumar Battini
5 min readFeb 21, 2021

How to get Push notifications right?

Image is taken from https://pushwizard.com/

What, ‘How to get Push notifications right?’
Why is this even a problem?

If your reaction is as above, then you may not be an Android developer.
Almost all android developers face this issue. Sometimes they don’t get push notifications as and when they are expected.

Some think it is FCM (Firebase cloud messaging) issue and some think it is a network glitch or latency. Well, they have their part but only now and then.

It is often so frustrating for developers who think they did everything right and yet some push notifications are missing.

We are not going to talk about how to set up push notifications.

Here we are assuming you have set up your project setup successfully with FCM and able to receive at least one notification successfully.
Yet, you are missing notifications occasionally.

In this article, we see what have we missed. Before we go on, please check the following source if you have followed them through.


